Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Suggestions. SO? Sew sew buttons on your underwear.

A very good friend of mine, Alanna, gave me a wonderful suggestion!---to MEASURE--the success of my resolution. Below is what her email stated...

"What you should do is keep track of metrics. For example... if you look at something that you just HAVE TO HAVE, but pass it by because its new, you should keep track of the cost/time consumption.
eg: A new Ann Taylor sweater- time to try it on (waiting for a room, dressing and undressing, paying-- you will probably have to make a good guess at this part). And then price. So all in all, you can say, I saved 15 minutes of my life and $100. By the end of the year, you add it up!"

In addition, my boyfriend Graham suggested that I should also ensure that those 15 minutes I saved be put towards doing something productive. Whether it's during the 15 minutes I'm actually "saving" or applying that 15 minutes to something later in the day---like exercising---or once classes begins---doing homework...not merely sitting on the couch watching Oprah or Intervention.

Graham also suggested that I should utilize my sewing machine to make my own clothing. This of course means that I'll have to buy thread, fabric, and patterns. I'm sure I could find some of these items at  a local "ma n' pop" place. (If you know of some place or someone where I could get these items from let me know!) Plus, the time that I save trying clothes on or shopping around could be applied to my attempt at making my own clothes!

A few years ago I used my sewing machine religiously-customizing thrift store shirts--and LOVED it. I'm not sure why I stopped sewing. Perhaps because I started making more money and was able to afford clothing from retail stores? ....Welp- times' a changin!

Thank you Alanna and Graham!

Do you have any suggestions? Send it my way :-)

2 days 'till resolution time. Feeling crafty.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I could get USED to this (pun fully intended)

I'm starting to realize that living in Lincoln Square is a fantastic area for my resolution-tons of used EVERYTHING stores that are jam packed with neat-o stuff. Today I stopped in Ravenswood Used Books and purchased a lovely book collection.

Catcher in the Rye- J.D. Salinger
Raise High the Roof Bean, Carpenters and Seymour an Introduction- J.D. Salinger
Animal Farm-George Orwell
1984-George Orwell (I'm pretty sure theres a copy of this laying around my parents house)
Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal- Ayn Rand

I have Atlas Shrugged also by Ayn Rand, which I never finished due to the dictionary-like font and 600 pages. Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal is half that. Though I do not agree with Ayn Rand's philosophy, I do enjoy the way she writes. The owner of the bookstore and I had a short word exchange about Ayn Rand..."extreme" and "psychotic."

Something fun about buying used---the story of the object's past. The copy of 1984 that I purchased has a seal on the first page marking the ownership that says "Library of Phillip and Kim Oldham." The Oldham's must have be something of a couple if they had a personal seal. The "Jones" seal is normally done using a black permanent marker with the letters "SWJ" (my dad's initials).

I'll google the Oldham's.

I also purchased shampoo and conditioner from an AVEDA salon across the street from Ravenswood Used Books. Though I didn't NEED the shampoo and conditioner, I DO want to start using AVEDA products because not only do I love the way my hair feels after a shampooing there, but their products are nice to the environment and business process helps the small international communities and people involved in making the products :-) I requested a pamphlet, from the woman at the front desk, that gives info regarding AVEDA and their environmental initiatives. "True beauty does not qualify as beauty if it hurts the diverse life forms that the best beauty artist of all -Nature- created."

Struggle of the day? Cute boutique store with 50% signs all over the damn place. I did go in-simply to ask what EXACTLY was 50% was buy two or more things and the entire purchase is 50% off. What a steal. I really enjoy unique (clothing) items too-which they had plenty of. I think those items are going to be particularly difficult to pass up during 2011--especially at 50% off. Thanks to my waiting sister and dog..and having to be at work- I walked out of that store empty handed.

3 days till Resolution time. I've got a head start.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Revelation Resolution

My 2011 New Years Resolution:

That's right folks. I will purchase NOTHING NEW in the year 2011. And I'm going to blog about my year of Nothing New.

It will be a bit tough. I wouldn't classify myself as having a shopping "problem." However, there are those days where I walk out of Target with more than groceries...or into that boutique on my way to school...or I'm bored.

Basic Principal Behind the Resolution:
I really don't know how or when I came up with the idea. I just know in the last year or so I've realized I have enough. Enough stuff. Stuff-that in the whole scheme of things- doesn't mean shit. Therefore, I'm ridding myself of the addition of more material items which satisfy a temporary happiness (that I will greatly miss) and challenge myself to re-love everything I have, because I have it all.

There is some personal ethic behind my resolution. We live in a very material world and consume consume consume (me included). Why not reuse reuse reuse what we already have? Or borrow from your family and close friends!

No Samantha-my dearest sister and roommate- this is not a ploy to make YOU buy ME things or me raid your closet full of new things. I'm simply going head to your closet instead of the mall...

So here are the Resolution 2011 Guidelines:
-I'm a graduate student--books are a must. I've always tried to buy USED, but there's always that ONE book.
-As a graduate student I am also preparing for a career. This means I might have to purchase something new related to a job interview or possible career opportunity.
-I have a '96 Honda Civic w/ 208,000 miles (and climbing). I imagine I'll be putting some money toward or used parts, oil changes..yada yada
-Make-up does not count. Can't really buy used makeup...well I suppose I could, but I'm not that extreme. Yet.
-Groceries do not count. Niether does beer, wine or alcohol.
-Gifts- I'm not big on formal gift giving, but if I do buy a gift it will be used! Or fairly traded.
-My best friend's wedding- Ms. Andy Isaacson will be married on Sept 17, 2011. I am a bridesmaid. No worries Andy, I will purchase a new bridesmaid dress ;-)
-Haircuts. I need one or two. And unless YOU cut hair..I'm going to the salon.
-I'm a flight whore. No, not part of the mile-high club. I just REALLY like jet-setting to fun places as often as I Iowa Minnesota and Colorado...and perhaps Israel or South Korea in the near future.

**If I do buy must be USED. The key is to use what the world already has to offer. Yay for resale shops, thrift stores, antique stores, and close friends and family.

So that's it. Buy Nothing New. Use what's already here. Re-love what I have.

What's your resolution?

5 days till Resolution time. I feel good.