Friday, January 21, 2011

SWAP till you DROP.

I don't think I do enough investigating into the world of Nothing New. And believe me...there is a WORLD of nothing newers out there achieving the same goals I have. It's wonderful to now be apart of this exploration! And it is indeed an exploration...
...of the mind
...of the culture in which we live
...through the mounds of used items that stand before me (gahhh!!)
...through the streets of Chicago and beyond to find the people and places that support my resolution find the meaning behind our unsurmountable love of STUFF

Call me Alexandra the Great. And I shall conquer this world of Nothing New. 

My trusting Kenmore sewing machine
Next stop Swap-O-Rama-Rama. "Swap-O-Rama-Rama is a clothing swap and series of do-it-yourself workshops in which a community explores creative reuse through the recycling of used clothing,"( accessories! I'm definitely there. And you should be to. If you'll be in the Chicago area Saturday February 12th. GO. And if you're not in the Chicago area either check the website above for a swap near you or come to Chicago-stay with me-and swap your clothes! Not only is it a swap, but a workshop for those saavy/not-so-saavy to create that unique personal item. My creativity game (and sewing machine) will be full-force come February 12th. (Thank you, Linda for sharing this with me!)  Chicago Swap-o-Rama-Rama Info

Don't commodify...MODIFY! Amen.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Two Weeks and Two Days In. Two weeks and Two Days less to go.

Target. Oh that damn store.

I cannot recall the last time I made a visit to Target and came out with the ONE or TWO items I needed to buy. I arguably made the shortest and cheapest stop at Target.. ever. Yet, while I was there I still found myself moseying around the main aisle trying to think of something else to buy. I wanted so bad to do my usual routine: start at one end (usually where the clothes are) and end at the other end of the store, filling my cart with potentially useful, but definitely not needed items. 

I was also reminded of why NOT to shop at Target (Thanks, G). After all, it's not too far off from its competition Walmart.  Both of which have been criticized for their lack of employment benefits/wages, their relationship with sweatshop manufacturers, and as a "big box store," Target and Walmart take away from the small-business/ mom 'n pop shops in small towns and cities. These are just some main points..I could say more.

GAH. Next phase of nothing new: not to support big box stores. 

I've also managed to do quite well while at Nordstrom. I definitely ooooo'd and ahhhhhh'd over some cute Ray-ban sunglasses (even tried them on). I enjoyed my brief moment and that was it. I don't need them. End of story.

I have to emphasize (as I've mentioned previously) that I really enjoy shopping. Shopping for ANYTHING--whether groceries, school supplies, clothes---you get the point. I find peace in walking through the aisles gathering items-not necessarily BUYING just looking. Trying clothes on. Conjuring up ideas as to how this item might benefit me or my apartment or my sister or.. something.  This 'peaceful' moment is something I hope to really learn about during my resolution. Explore the reasoning behind it...and then find peace/enjoyment in something else for god sakes. Yoga? Sewing? Reading more for myself? I'm not sure. What things do you find peace in doing?

There have been numerous incidents where I've purchased something thanks to the initial "enjoyment" I felt in finding the item-- only later, while at home, far from the store, and $300 less in my bank account I realize---I don't need this jacket! And without question-return it the following day. It's during those times and plenty more that I have a feeling of guilt for spending foolishly. Just like most of us, I have been taught that having more somehow brings happiness. Will living more simply with just necessities ever be drilled in our heads?

One rule my mom reiterates to me (she stole it from Oprah)....DOUBT MEANS DON'T. This helps when you're at the point in which you for a moment question your about-to-be-new item. The moment you question yourself about it-- is the moment you should put it back. During those times you do treat yourself and you want to purchase that special UN-needed, but very wanted item, you should never doubt your purchase. Why spend money just to spend it? Or buy something just to buy it? Put the item back and if you're still thinking about the item a few days later go back and get it. ***disclosure*** I'm still working on this word of advice. (Thanks, Ma)

What's great about this resolution is not only do I receive support from you folks, but SHOES too! Check out these Franco Sarto cowboy boots Mary (Graham's mom) gave me! They're perhaps the most expensive free item I own. Wore them out last night and they were perfect. (Thank you, Mary!) I've also received an afghan blanket---not from Afghanistan---from my aunt as well as a tea kettle! (Thanks, Auntie!)

This week I composed myself at Nordstrom, was given some great items and went to Target for things that I needed. And left with those items and nothing else. I stuck with necessities. With that said, I will leave you with a wonderful article of inspiration that my sister shared with me from CNN Money. 

My Spending Fast: I saved $18,000 and the woman who the article is about has a blog And Then She Saved .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10. 355 Days to go. 1 Vacation down.

Back from vacation.

Now you're all wondering how I dealt with my resolution. Cutting to the point. I did GREAT--as nothing new was a success in Tucson! The terms "great" and "success" are defined here as: nothing new was bought. That's not to go without saying it was damn well difficult. 

It's interesting though because I already I can see a difference in how I approach situations where I want to buy something-even though I cannot buy it anyway. There's more of a thought process (which should ALWAYS be the case, but it's not) as to what would go into purchasing this item if I could. 

I wanted to buy a Cork Cage (a decorative item to put wine corks in) for my kitchen, which was $24. Where would I put this Cork Cage? How long would I hang on to this item? How important will this item be to me? Why do I want to buy it-what's appealing about it?

While on vacation I often take time out specifically to do shopping. As if buying something (new) makes the vacation even better? It doesn't.  It just takes time out of exploring or enjoying the place where you're at and people you're with. Nonetheless I do it--a struggle yet to over come.  Graham and I stopped at the 4th Avenue shops near the University of Arizona-quite the hippy area (you could smell the patchouli in the air). 

Graham was not as into the 'shopping,' (though he did buy some lovely Guaybera shirts) claiming that I could be there "for hours" just walking around. Guilty. Whether I buy anything-I simply LOVE looking around. Especially in little shops and boutiques that carry unique items. 

I did find a pretty blue dress at the Tucson Thrift Shop.  The hand-written tag said it's from the 60s. Regardless of the decade-I loved it and saw the future with it:

Create an A-line bottom and open the neck up a bit. I've learned that lower necks look better on me...higher necks make certain "objects" look bigger than they already are...
This dress cost me $14. A little more pricey than I would have liked to have spent, but I figured this dress would go a long way depending on what I do with it. Summer with a pair of flats, winter with a cute cardigan, tights and boots? Sounds good to me!

There was more to this vacation than trying to find something USED to buy. Graham and I had a wonderful time exploring the southwest. We went to the Desert Museum- until this vacation, I had never seen a real cactus before. "Real" is defined here as: not in a pot. Whooeeee THEY'RE HUGGGGE. We did some minor hiking at Sabino Canyon, drove to Sonoita (south of Tucson) to do some wine tasting and went to the University of Arizona Wildcats basketball game. 

AND THE FOOD. We were sure to eat the famous Sonoran Dog and went to Mi Nidito- a very tasty Mexican food joint--both were featured on the show Man vs. Food (travel channel). Nom. Nom.
Overall, this vacation was FANTASTIC not because of the blue 60s dress, but because of the memories I created for myself and with someone I love.  Dare I be so-not-creative and quote MasterCard? 


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nothing New on VACATION!? How many days do I have left? 361...

I'm headed off to Tucson, Arizona for a vacation with Graham. I'm not sure I've ever been on a vacation where I DID NOT buy something new (insert sarcastic shreek)-not just while I'm ON vacation, but also FOR the vacation. When I posed this to Graham his response was "well, WHY do you need to buy anything at all while we're there?" Great question, Graham. Why do I?  Well, I don't. Simple answer.

Packing was a bit difficult. Here I am...freezing my buns off in Chicago trying to remember what it's like to be in 65 degree weather. I can't lie and say I didn't think of what it would have been like to buy some cute clothing items that would be great in 65 degree weather...Alas I can't. So, here I am going through my (very messy) drawers finding my 'summer' attire and not being entirely happy with what I have. "I'm sick of this shirt" "I wear this ALL the time." My creative mind had set in-How can I wear this differently? I packed what I had and (fake) smiled while zipping up my suitcase.

Time to start re-lovin'. Let the struggle begin.

Souvenirs. I love vacation memorabilia--but I steer clear of items which display the location of my vacation or those snow globes depicting the 'good life' surrounded by falling glitter--anything that in a few years would be disposable. My vacation memorabilia is JEWELRY. When I studied abroad in Europe, every country I visited I bought a piece of jewelry: rings, bracelets and necklaces--and I still wear most of it. Not daily--I don't wear it because I fear losing it. It's as though my whole vacation experience lies within this ONE piece of jewelry and if I lose the piece I lose the memory.  I can remember where I bought the item, who I was with, why I bought it, what the weather was like--each piece brings me right back to Europe. Jewelry is more than just a souvenir. 

While in Tucson, I'd love to find an antique piece that is reflective of southwestern culture. I have no words to describe my love for antique jewelry. Or antique ANYTHING for that matter. I'd like to thank my Mom for that one. Having been dragged to antique stores and garage/estate sales as a kid, I was bound to fall in love. Thanks Mom. 

As a side note---I'm pumped to leave the cold Midwest.

Vacation time. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 is here. 362 Days to Go.

It hit me when the clock struck MIDNIGHT on January 1st. Actually, it was Samantha (twin sister) who reminded me of my resolution-which at that very moment officially began. I was jumping for joy "IT'S 20-11 IT'S 20-11!" and Sam looks at me, grabs my shoulder and says "you can't buy anything newwwwww." It was as though she was talking in slow motion. I stopped jumping and responded something a long the lines of OH MY GOD. 

Part of me wants to ask myself....what have I gotten myself into- how the hell am I going to pull this off!? Then, I was reminded on New Years Eve of the support I have from those who have read my blog! It was refreshing to talk about it to fellow party people and it reminds me again why I'm choosing to do this. 

I've had my first personal let down. I went to a resale shop on the 30th and bought a cover-jacket to wear on NYE. It's black, gold, and a whopping $3. Of course this item desperately needed my help coming to form. So, before I went to work (on NYE day) I quickly altered my new find and it was ready to go for show that night. Well, at 10:45pm I was let off of work and was not in the mood to change and prep for an evening out. My goal was to hurry and get out to the suburbs and make it before midnight. Needless to say, I didn't wear my jacket. Looking back, it would have been a great way to bring in the New Year with my newly purchased used, altered, $3- cover jacket. (Alex, you idiot.) On the other hand, it shall be worn in the near future! And, I've already had a request for a lending! SCORE. To remind you- that's a huge part of my resolution: to borrow from close friends and family. It works vice versa. I'll lend you what I've got too-providing you give it back of course. 

Also, as a suggestion from another friend (Kelsey), I will be posting pictures of the clothing items I create (including the NYE jacket) as well as other used items I find. (Thank you Kels!!)

The beginning is here. I'm taking it day-by-day. Two fully down. 362 1/2 days to go!

Feeling ready.