Sunday, April 17, 2011

Loopholes....death of nothing new?

I've been surrounded by beautifully made fair-trade NEW clothing and products. What's a girl like me supposed to do?

Here I am, trying to be more ethical in my necessary purchases-aka groceries/toiletries which isn't always ethical (be it recycled, local, reusability, etc). Yet, I've limited myself to buying new ethical non-neccesities. Can you sense the difficulty in working at a fair-trade/eco friendly shop? We just got in our Spring clothing from Mata Traders who's mission is to work with organizations that educate, employ, and empower women. Their Spring dresses are beautiful... and I'm finding a new struggle.....

Buy used/recycled items (that don't always stem from an ethical standpoint) or buy new and also support organizations by purchasing from shops like Mata Traders and Greenheart? Then I go further and think that buying NEW fairly traded items will offset my NEW necessary un-ethical purchases? 

OKAAAY. OKAAAY. I admit...that's too far of a stretch. 

Yesterday, I had the privilege of representing the Greenheart Shop as a vendor at the Green Metropolis Fair. Though I didn't have much time to walk around--there was enough within view that got my "NEW...I want" urge going. And most of these products were ethical/sustainable/handmade/local/ name it...

In this case should I buy NEW? I keep trying to find a loophole...

Nothing new means NOTHING new, Alex. Get over it.

SURPRISED BY THE NEW POST?!? I am. As I should be working on some homework as we speak---and by "speak" I mean: I blog, you read. I couldn't let this thought/struggle wait until May 13th...


  1. If you're asking your readers for their opinion, I'd say that, in the future, it's totally within your ethical goals to purchase these new products. However, if you want to look back on this year as a success of not buying "anything" new, you should try to abstain from buying yourself these new threads... but maybe you could buy them for your twin sister (still ethical, still not buying anything new for yourself... and they will definitely fit??) ^^

  2. Kimmypocket, Ab-fab idea :) Any chance at benefiting from Alex's resolution I'll take! -Samantha (alex's twin) ...on alex's account


    check it out
