Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nothing New on VACATION!? How many days do I have left? 361...

I'm headed off to Tucson, Arizona for a vacation with Graham. I'm not sure I've ever been on a vacation where I DID NOT buy something new (insert sarcastic shreek)-not just while I'm ON vacation, but also FOR the vacation. When I posed this to Graham his response was "well, WHY do you need to buy anything at all while we're there?" Great question, Graham. Why do I?  Well, I don't. Simple answer.

Packing was a bit difficult. Here I am...freezing my buns off in Chicago trying to remember what it's like to be in 65 degree weather. I can't lie and say I didn't think of what it would have been like to buy some cute clothing items that would be great in 65 degree weather...Alas I can't. So, here I am going through my (very messy) drawers finding my 'summer' attire and not being entirely happy with what I have. "I'm sick of this shirt" "I wear this ALL the time." My creative mind had set in-How can I wear this differently? I packed what I had and (fake) smiled while zipping up my suitcase.

Time to start re-lovin'. Let the struggle begin.

Souvenirs. I love vacation memorabilia--but I steer clear of items which display the location of my vacation or those snow globes depicting the 'good life' surrounded by falling glitter--anything that in a few years would be disposable. My vacation memorabilia is JEWELRY. When I studied abroad in Europe, every country I visited I bought a piece of jewelry: rings, bracelets and necklaces--and I still wear most of it. Not daily--I don't wear it because I fear losing it. It's as though my whole vacation experience lies within this ONE piece of jewelry and if I lose the piece I lose the memory.  I can remember where I bought the item, who I was with, why I bought it, what the weather was like--each piece brings me right back to Europe. Jewelry is more than just a souvenir. 

While in Tucson, I'd love to find an antique piece that is reflective of southwestern culture. I have no words to describe my love for antique jewelry. Or antique ANYTHING for that matter. I'd like to thank my Mom for that one. Having been dragged to antique stores and garage/estate sales as a kid, I was bound to fall in love. Thanks Mom. 

As a side note---I'm pumped to leave the cold Midwest.

Vacation time. 


  1. I was drugggggggggg into antique stores too, and HATED them. Until a few years ago - and now, we're in it together. Mom with her bartering skills and I, with coffee. Have FUN!

  2. Good luck! Although I know antiques are NOT a challenge for you.

  3. Have a great time on vacation, and remember that Goodwills are always better in cities far away from your own (NOBODY is going to have a cool vintage t-shirt with Arizona themes - high schools, parades, fundraisers, etc. - back in Chicago!). POST PICTURES OF YOUR FINDS LADY!
